
become acquainted with أمثلة على


  1. Not too long ago, I became acquainted with a terrorist.
    ليس منذ فترة طويلة أنا تعرفت على ارهابي
  2. When did you first become acquainted with the Feldenstein case?
    متى تعرفت أول مرة على قضية (فيلدنشتاين)؟
  3. Mr. Bingley would want to become acquainted with you and your daughters.
    يود السيد بنيت التعرف عليك وعلى بناتك
  4. One of my servants became acquainted with one of his men.
    أحدى خادماتي تعرفت على احد رجاله.
  5. That night, Samantha became acquainted with the new neighbors next door.
    في تلك الليلة، سامانثا تعرفت مع الجيران الجدد المجاور.
  6. المزيد من الجملة   التالية
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